Safety in Memphis

Memphis, located in Shelby County, Tennessee, is home to approximately 646,899 residents with a population density of about 771 people per square mile. Known by various nicknames such as "The River City," "The Bluff City," and "M-Town," this city stands out, unfortunately, as one of the most impoverished cities in the United States, with a median household income barely exceeding $40,000. In the opinion of most experts, this precarious economic situation is considered the main trigger for the city's crime rates. Safety in Memphis?

Each year, approximately 2,501 crimes are reported per 100,001 inhabitants, of which around 1,500 are violent crimes. In the last five years, homicides have even experienced a 38% increase, reaching more than 300 per year.

Safety in Memphis

As a visitor, it is unlikely that you will be directly involved in violent acts, as these are usually perpetrated by gangs. However, it is a problem that could have indirect repercussions. If you decide to travel to Tennessee, it is recommended that you stay in downtown Nashville and avoid the northern and southern suburban areas of the city.

If you choose to visit Memphis, it is critical to initially address the issue of ongoing crime in the area. It is important to keep in mind that crime levels are higher than the national average in the United States.

Level of Safety

Memphis is characterized as a city with high levels of danger, ranking as one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. The incidence of crime in this locality is mainly associated with conflicts between gangs and activities related to drug trafficking, since more than 150 gangs coexist in the city.

Doesn't this first aspect seem negative to you? The situation could be further complicated by the fact that homicides and robberies are the most frequent crimes in the area. The choice of location will also play an important role, since, naturally, some areas may be riskier than others.

Precisely, outlying areas distant from the core of Memphis register the lowest safety rates in the city, and this situation is mainly attributed to poverty rates. On the other hand, the most affordable neighborhoods to reside in are also those where both common crime and gangs are prevalent.

The sectors of Memphis with the highest risk rates include:

  • Downtown
  • Midtown
  • Orange Mound
  • Hollywood
  • Avenue Village
  • Westwood
  • Raleigh
  • Appear
  • Whitehaven
  • Binghampton

Is the central Memphis area risky for visitors?

Downtown Memphis has a high crime rate. Despite this troubling statistic, paradoxically, downtown is generally considered a safe neighborhood for tourists. This is because most violent crime is concentrated in specific areas, while petty crime is more common in tourist areas. In fact, the constant presence of many police patrols provides security in areas designated for visitors in downtown Memphis.

Safety in Memphis

Limited availability of public transportation

Limited public transportation makes getting around Memphis a task that is not only complicated, but virtually unattainable in certain scenarios. This challenge is not only attributed to the geographic spread of the city, but also to the unsatisfactory efficiency of the public transportation system, which fails to meet the expectations of local residents.

It is likely that you will need to acquire a vehicle to reach your destination smoothly in a sprawling and dispersed locality. Ideally, it is suggested that residents seek employment in close proximity to their homes, although we understand that this is not always feasible.

Within this unfavorable situation, it is also important to note that traffic congestion is another peculiarity of the city, which adds even more complexity to commuting in Memphis. Accurately, the freeways that encircle the metropolitan area represent a significant challenge for residents, so it is recommended to avoid them when living in the locality.

Tornado Hazards

Not surprisingly, Memphis is constantly exposed to these natural phenomena due to its geographic location. In addition to this reality, it is important to note that the city also faces thunderstorms during several months of the year.

Specifically, we refer to the rainy season that begins in late spring and lasts until the beginning of the aforementioned hot summer. During this period, it is plausible that people may have to take shelter inside their homes or when driving to protect themselves from hail generated by storms.

Given this situation, it is clear that the rainy season could prove to be even more challenging than the summer in Memphis. This aspect should be carefully considered if you ultimately decide that settling in this city is a viable option for you.

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